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Get Free Taínos: La Última Tribu (2005)

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Taínos: La Última Tribu

Storyline of Taínos: La Última Tribu Movie

A young archeology student, Sara Cordero (Christie Miró) organizes an expedition to La Mora Cave in Comerio, Puerto Rico. Sara and her four friends are guided by Yabey (Josué Reyes) who happens to know the area very well. Unexpected incidents occurs as they discover a hidden Taino Indians tribe alive, were believed to be extinguished 500 years ago. A sequence of dramatical events and initiate conflicts among themselves to the point that the tension divides the group. Then mysterious and unfortunate events proceed to unleash a surprising twist of full action.

The Last Tribe

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Movie Trailer of Taínos: La Última Tribu

The "Taínos: La Última Tribu" Movie Description

Release : 2005-06-25

Genre : Action, Adventure, Drama

Runtime : 117

Company : Innova Entertainment

Quality Poster of Taínos: La Última Tribu Movie

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